

FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE REVIEW: To start off 2014, I got to see the movie “Disturbia” which stars Shia LaBeouf (Holes, Transformers), Sarah Roemer (Hachi: A Dog’s Tale, Fired Up!), Carrie-Anne Moss (The Matrix, Chocolat), David Morse (The Green Mile, Contact), Aaron Yoo (21, Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist), and Jose Pablo Cantillo (Crank, Elysium). This movie is about an almost eighteen-year-old kid named Kale (LaBeouf) who gets put under house arrest after punching his Spanish teacher in the face when he spoke about Kale’s deceased father. He is sentenced for three months of house arrest, which he thinks will be fun until his mom cancelled his Xbox live and cut his television cord. With nothing to do, but chores, Kale finds his time in looking out the window, with binoculars on, at a new girl who moves in right next to his house named Ashley (Roemer). He takes a liking in looking at what people do and starts taking note on what everyone does in his neighborhood from a cheating husband to little kids that watch adult rated movies while their mom isn’t looking. The only person he doesn’t see much about is Mr. Turner (Morse) which all he sees him do is mow his lawn. That is until Kale catches him murder a woman in his house. The movie then turns to Kale, Ashley, and his other friend Ronnie (Yoo) in trying to find out where the bodies he has at or to get evidence of him killing people to show to the police. I thought the movie was good with the story and the acting was good to. It can get disgusting at parts with when they get into the killers house and find where he keeps the bodies at. It also gets really suspenseful and thrilling when they try to get into his house and you don’t know when the killer will get back or not. Overall the movie was alright and if anyone wants to see a good suspenseful movie, watch it. FINAL SCORE: 82%= Juicy Popcorn

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